On 8 February 2018 at 05:44, Chris Crook <ccr...@linz.govt.nz> wrote:
> I am converting a python  plugin the implements a subclass of 
> QgsFeatureRenderer.  At the moment the plugin is dying on the startRender 
> function with the message (from the base class)
> "ASSERT failure in QgsFeatureRenderer::renderFeature: \"renderFeature called 
> in a different thread - use a cloned renderer instead\"
> I can't see where I should be creating the cloned renderer for the rendering. 
>  I had a look at the QgsSingleSymbolRenderer C++ code and I can't see 
> anything there, so I'm wondering if the python implementation in some way 
> corrupts the multiprocessing implementation.  Can anyone offer any suggestions

Interesting - is your code public anywhere? I'll take a look.

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