Hi Alessandro,

Thanks for the answers!

Inline my comments:

On 07-06-18 11:51, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> I'm not sure I understand what you are asking: the ("Basic") string is
> the authentication type (that comes to the authentication plugin that
> the configuration is using)  and it is a useful piece of information,
> but of course it is not required.

In my case where a user will have 5 - 10 auth-profiles, all those ending
with (Basic) does not add info for my users. And IF I think it is
helpfull to know if it is either a 'Postgres' or a 'Basic
Authentication' profile, I can add it myself to the title of the profile?

>     2) the first item is ALWAYS: 'No authentication'.
> I think you should handle that in your particular dialog logic, the
> widget does what it was designed for, that is allow the users to choose
> and existing authentication configuration AND/OR to create a new one,
> editing and deletion of existing configs is also available.

In my case, the widget is used for a little more: it actually not only
defines the username/config, but also the actual url-api-endpoint the
users connects to.
o in my case 'No authentication' does not cover the content... If I
could choose it said: 'Please create a profile' or so.

I have been looking at:

But I do not think I have a handle to change or reach the actual
combobox is it? To either change the caption or so?

Anyway, thanks for all this. Besides this minor points it works great.


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