On Fri, 22 Jun 2018 at 09:20, Nyall Dawson <nyall.daw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> - I'd love to see us get below 25 open PRs (so that they fit on a
> single page on GitHub), but honestly I think it's probably not a
> realistic (or even desirable) goal for a project the size of QGIS.
> Maintaining a queue size of between 30-40 open requests is an
> achievable target IMO. It's small enough to be able to track them all
> without any being neglected.

For those who don't follow the github activity religiously: we are
current down to just 9 PRs, and have been averaging about 15 open PRs
for the last couple of weeks.

We've almost hit a new milestone: having less open PRs then GDAL!

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