I see similar problems problems in Italian version of QGIS 2.18.x.
There are some strings that appear in english but they are not present in
original .qm file.
these strings are not translated in other languages, for example in Spanish.

Some of these strings are (thx Totò Fiandaca for the picture):


I think that Transifex should be contain all version of QGIS that are still
supported and not only the Master version.
For example, during this period of coexistence between the QGIS 2.18.x LTR
version and the 3.x versions, the two transifex projects should remain
active for the master and for the 2.18 that is still released with updates.



Il giorno mer 19 set 2018 alle ore 10:29 DelazJ <del...@gmail.com> ha

> Transifex Webtranslation page for QGIS is on
> https://www.transifex.com/qgis/
> Hi,
> I've been reported some missing translations we have in the French
> interface of QGIS: there are some strings that are translated in Transifex
> (for weeks, months now) that do not appear in localized QGIS.
> See for example the attached screenshots where some strings are still in
> English though no untranslated occurrences is available on Transifex, as
> shown with the "Print Layout..." example.
> Are these issues only french ones? And could that be fixed to improve our
> translators experience and expect a full translation of the next LTR,
> please?
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Harrissou
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