On 2/27/19 07:39, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Thanks Richard for the explanation. I would expect the load will only
> increase over time.
> The investment seems reasonable to me. Are there alternatives, like
> moving some of the heavy load to a public, free-as-beer service?
> All the best.
> On 27/02/19 16:32, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
>> On 27/02/2019 15.25, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
>>> 504 Gateway Time-out
>>> is it my impression, or this is happening rather often recently?
>>> any way to fix it more permanently?
>> We use the qgis2 server for several purposes. So IF a lot of people are
>> viewing/using plugins or qgis site, and we are building
>> docs/website/packages it get's crowded.
>> To fix this we could rent another server, or move the plugins dir to
>> another existing server (like the issue tracker (qgis3) or test server
>> (qgis4)) Another server is another 600 dollar per year

The new osgeo server (osgeo7) is container compatible if QGIS would like
to deploy something there. The main osgeo download site will be moving
there shortly with significantly increased disk space.

Also a good time to review caching implementations.

As far as build loads, there are plenty of services to consider for
offloading some of that work, starting at free or possibly incurring
some cost, but probably less than renting a whole server.

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