On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 at 23:15, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net> wrote:
> Hi Nyall and others,
> I was wrong, there is no difference in behaviour between proj493 and proj520. 
> Nor is there a difference between Linux and Windows.
> We, as a user, made the mistake of creating test data in a new empty layer at 
> around (0,0) and my colleague in a totally different area in the coordinate 
> system in an area that isn't valid for the EPSG:2056 projection. The 
> EPSG:2056 projection only works reasonably well in the bound of approx. 
> 2485000 1075000 2828500 13000000

Glad I'm not the only one who has made this mistake!!

> I wonder if it would make sense to issue a warning if a user creates data 
> outside of the valid bounds of a projection? It would definitely make sense 
> for stupid people like myself ...

This sounds like a good idea to me. When would you propose that we
raise the warning? Possibly on saving edits to a layer?


> Thanks and greetings,
> Andreas
> On 2019-07-19 01:18, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2019 at 00:38, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> We are having issues on the QGIS 3.4 release that the difference between and 
> ellipsoidical and planimetric distance (and area) is huge. Too huge.
> We have this issue on Windows 3.4.9, but on Linux (a bit newer commit) I 
> don't have the same huge difference, but rather a very reasonable one.
> I noticed that while the Windows version was built with proj 520 and the 
> Linux version with 493, so a bit older.
> But I don't know if the measurement tool in QGIS is using proj at all or not? 
> If yes, could it be that newer proj releases made things worse regarding 
> ellipsoidical measurements?
> It's possible. The actual measurement calculation uses code ported
> from GRASS (and not the proj implementation of these algorithms), but
> proj IS used in transforming map/measure coordinates prior to
> calculating the distance. Possibly something has changed there which
> is impacting this.
> Could you please test:
> 1. Do you see the same distance values when measuring feature lengths?
> I.e. setup a layer with a feature with the same line as you are
> measuring, and check the identify tool derived attributes or $length
> value for it.
> 2. Can you confirm that the project ellipsoid settings are identical
> between the windows & linux builds?
> 3. Can you share an example I can test with?
> Nyall
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