So what you would do here is implement a custom pre-processor which
detects some hardcoded path to the plugin resource, and swaps it out
with the actual path to the python plugin. E.g.

def my_processor(path):
    if path.endswith('my_plugins_super_north_arrow.svg'):
       return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
    return path


Basically - whenever a path ending in
'my_plugins_super_north_arrow.svg' is requested, it gets (silently)
modified to point to a subfolder off your plugin's actual runtime
location. You'd just need to make sure the intercepted resources have
a distinct enough name to not clash with other (non-plugin) paths!
(e.g. don't just check for "north_arrow.svg"!).


Thanks Nyall!

That sounds exactly what would work for us. I guess we could use a very unique subdirectory name for storing all the not so unique files and find them that way.

For "normal" users this will be available from 3.10 right?

Kind regards,

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