Hi Tim,

if I understand you correctly, this already implemented. When you edit an
in the modeler algorithm all model inputs are available as variables in the

пн, 11 лист. 2019 о 16:17 Tim Sutton <t...@kartoza.com> пише:

> Hi All
> I am trying to automate some tedious tasks of remapping fkey references
> for tables in a GeoPackage database from the related table’s id column to
> the related table’s uuid column.
> I can do the process manually by opening the table, using field calculator
> and creating a new column ‘water_source_uuid’ with an expression like this:
> attribute(
>    get_feature( 'water_source_lookup', 'id', water_source_id), 'uuid’)
> Now being a lazy bugger, I thought I would try to automate the process for
> the other columns and tables that need such treatment.
> NowI thought I could write a little expression that pulls out the name of
> the layer defined by the user in “Data Table” and the name of the column
> defined by the user in  "Foreign Key Column” and then interpolate those
> values into my add column expression….
> So my question is: is there any way to reference other inputs in a model
> from an expression?
> Regards
> Tim
> —
> *Tim Sutton*
> *Co-founder:* Kartoza
> *Ex Project chair:* QGIS.org
> Visit http://kartoza.com to find out about open source:
> Desktop GIS programming services
> Geospatial web development
> GIS Training
> Consulting Services
> *Skype*: timlinux
> *IRC:* timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net
> I'd love to connect. Here's my calendar link
> <https://calendly.com/timlinux> to make finding time easy.
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