
In reply to your comments

There are a few different questions but Gimp wouldn't be able to write its temp file into the swap area because only the operating ssystem itself would be able to access that. Gimp has the ability to use virtual memory and a separate temporary area. If you configure a tile cache and it runs out of physical RAM then the tile cache is pushed into swap exactly as one would have thought.


On 27/01/20 3:04 am, Jonathan Moules wrote:
Hi Patrick,
I can't comment on the core issue, but just a point for clarification - I thought Swap memory usage was something the operating system dealt with? Isn't it usually transparent to the application?

A quick search indicates that what GIMP calls swap is really a bespoke folder for GIMP to store temporary files (in a fashion similar to virtual memory/swap) rather than the system swap file; FME does this too (they call it a "temporary directory").

I can certainly see why that would have value - it looks like QGIS has one, at least for temporary outputs - https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/28222 - but whether it's as well used as it should be I leave for others to comment on (I have no idea what it's used for).

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