Hi Jorge,

> My gdalinfo returns:
> gdalinfo --formats | grep -i pdf
>   PDF -raster,vector- (rw+vs): Geospatial PDF
> Can you check your's gdalinfo --formats output?

same for me

matteo@debian:~$ gdalinfo --formats | grep -i pdf
  PDF -raster,vector- (rw+vs): Geospatial PDF

> Did you compile it? I compile gdal myself and I use the option:
> --with-pdfium=/usr/local

no just updated from debian sid packages, so standard one. I just
compiled QGIS as usual.

GDAL and OGR algorithms seem to work fine, geopdf is not available...

> To compile PDFium, use Even's receipt:
> git clone https://github.com/rouault/pdfium_build_gdal_3_1
> cd pdfium_build_gdal_3_1/
> ./build_linux.sh
> sudo cp -r install/include /usr/local
> sudo cp -r install/lib /usr/local
> sudo ldconfig
> Then compile GDAL.

Cheers and thanks

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