Just a general request to those request:

Would it be possible to "guide" plugin authors, when creating specific
plugins for specific countries, to maybe use their country code in the
repo name?
By this, it would maybe be much easier not to get confused, when one day
there are e.g. 180 open-data loaders around ;)

opendata_loader is a huge title for such a tiny potential audience (no

opendata_loader_il vs. opendata_loader_us vs. opendata_loader_fr ...
would look much better to me than having dozens of differentiating
names, trying to describe the same function but with other words.

I do not mean this plugin specifically, cause it has at least "Israel"
in it's name on the plugin page. But with a lot others, you'll even have
to dig into the description to find out that it's of no use for you.
Or even add country code tags in the meta-data for filtering
country-specific plugin?

Just my two offtopic cents


On 17.06.20 18:00, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:

This plugin author requested on a Telegram group channel to be approved:


I found the plugin but there was an error in the repo/issue metadata
(the author apparently renamed the repo), so created an issue now:



Richard Duivenvoorde

PS what about creating an email group for 'plugin-approvers'? If
somebody sents me all mail addresses I can create one group (if others
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