On mercredi 24 juin 2020 11:53:37 CEST Peter Petrik wrote:
> Hi,
> As building on iOS already works (
> https://github.com/lutraconsulting/input-sdk/tree/master/ios), I imagine it
> would be possible to  run another architecture build for MacOS with a
> similar approach. It is in Apple's interest to facilitate transition to
> developers. To evaluate how hard it would be, that is more tricky at this
> point. First of all, Qt has to support this new architecture, I haven't
> found a statement from them yet if they plan it and when. So even Qt
> supports it (hopefully from Qt5 releases and not Qt6), we have to build all
> the deps with the new architecture, which takes some time to create
> recipes. And of course find a hardware where it all can be built (probably
> another machine , yes). Not saying that it is very frustrating to do
> development of such a new package if you do not own such hardware
> yourself...

One point I've in mind with my GDAL hat on is that GDAL has a number of x86 
specific speed 
optimizations using SIMD intrinsincs in warping/reprojection resampling, 
resampling, statistics computation, hillshading, gdalgrid. Currently we have no 
for other architectures.


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