The @current_feature is, according to the doc[0], available when editing in
attribute table and form contexts which are not actually the one you have,

in documentation


Le mer. 8 juil. 2020 à 14:51, Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net> a
écrit :

> Hi Matteo,
> The "$" prefix marks a function without arguments, "@" are variables.
> Sometimes both variants exist, as you have discovered. Mainly due to
> historic reasons and the fact that the "$"-stuff is around for a lont time
> already, but the variables where added quite a bit later.
> Are you sure that "@current_feature" really exists? I can't find it in my
> expression builder (in layer scope).
> You are probably aware that variables have different scopes (global,
> project, layer, layout, etc.) - some variables are only available in some
> scopes, because they wouldn't work in other scopes or it wouldn't make
> sense there.
> Greetings,
> Andreas
> On 2020-07-08 14:03, matteo wrote:
> Hi all,
> before to file a ticker I'd like to have a small feedback. Maybe I'm
> missing something but what is actually the difference between
> $currentfeature and @current_feature?
> Because I was expecting to use @current_feature together with attribute
> like:
> attribute(@current_feature, 'my_field')
> within the Default Value of a Field in the Attributes Form, but it
> didn't work while
> attribute($currentfeature, 'my_field')
> works nice
> If someone has a small explanation I will gladly add it to the
> documentation
> Cheers and thanks for any hint
> Matteo
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