I have just checked quickly.

https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgis3redistricter-master/ in the "Details"
Clicking on :
* on the issue tracker link, it leads to your website, so we can't create
issues. It must be an issue tracker.
* on the code repository, it leads to a 404

So it makes the task difficult about the approval, we couldn't contact you.

Le jeu. 24 sept. 2020 à 22:26, Statto Redistricting <
redistrict...@stattosoftware.com> a écrit :

> Sorry if this isn't the best place to ask this, but I've been waiting on
> approval for a plugin for a week now and haven't heard anything - is there
> a way to check the plugin approval backlog to see how long it will take?
> Plugin is located here if anyone is interested:
> https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/qgis3redistricter-master/version/2.1/
> Thank you
> John Holden
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