Hi Todor,

You can configure an action on your shapefile layer. The action can call
your DWG previewer with the dwg filename.

If you use the ODA Drawings Explorer for example, the action would be:
/usr/bin/ODADrawingsExplorer "[% "DWG_FILE_NAME" %]"
where DWG_FILE_NAME is your field with the DWG file.

I hope it helps.


Jorge Gustavo

On 20/07/21 15:31, todor lambev wrote:
> Dear QGIS developers, 
> I have a strange need. Could you help me? 
> I have 30 000 DWG files that are not georeferenced, each file has unique
> and a specific name. I have a point shapefile which in its attribute
> table contains a column with the names of the *dwg files. 
> My question is: How I can load to preview the DWG files in QGIS next to
> the points or to preview the DWG by clicking on the point (similar to
> the photo preview widget)?
> I hope that you won't skip my question and will help me to find a
> solution basically because otherwise, I have to do it manually...
> Best regards
> Todor Lambev, PhD Student - - - - - *Institute of Oceanology
> */Department of coastal zones dynamics mob: +359 886 75 72 85; Varna,
> Bulgaria URL: http://www.io-bas.bg <http://www.io-bas.bg>/
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J. Gustavo
Jorge Gustavo Rocha
Departamento de Informática
Universidade do Minho
4710-057 Braga
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