/me wildly guessing here: if QGIS 'sees' different geom types, it is shown 
multiple in the browser isn't it, or am I mixing up things here..? Like if a 
layer has both points and lines?
Is it possible that (because of the wrong metadata in your view?) that QGIS 
both 'guesses' a type and get's another type from your sdo_metadata? OR that 
you really have different types in your table?

As said: just guessing :-)

What about creating this view with another name and just a few records?


Richard Duivenvoorde

On 10/6/21 12:37 AM, jonathan.pir...@sibelga.be wrote:
> Hello,
> I created the issue here:
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/45419
> You a right the primary key is recognized as primary key if I add it from the 
> browser.
> Nevertheless, I still have the issue that views are visible 2 times. 
> Therefore I suspect that there is an another issue that make view appearing 3 
> time in the browser as well ass in the source manager. But I don't know if it 
> is a an oracle issue or if it is a qgis issue.
> Here is what I have in my browser:
> https://ibb.co/ncfB5ZT
> How does the browser construct the layer tree?
> I saw in the code that if the table/view has multiple geometry column then it 
> create 2 layer. One by geometry column.
> But apart from that. Is there any other qgis logic that might create multiple 
> layer from out the same oracle table/view?
> I saw in the log that qgis execute 2 times the same query like:
> 2021-10-06T00:12:41     WARNING    SQL: SELECT DISTINCT 
>        Erreur: ORA-00904: "GEOSCHEMATIQUE": invalid identifier
> 2021-10-06T00:12:41     WARNING    SQL: SELECT DISTINCT 
>        Erreur: ORA-00904: "GEOSCHEMATIQUE": invalid identifier
> (please ignore the invalid identifier error, this come from the fact that the 
> geometry column name in my view is not the same the one recorder in the 
> all_sdo_geom_metadate view, I have to fix this)
> Could it be that qgis execute 2 times the same code?
> Thanks
> Jonathan
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Julien Cabieces <julien.cabie...@oslandia.com>
> Envoyé : mardi 5 octobre 2021 07:44
> À : Piraux Jonathan <jonathan.pir...@sibelga.be>
> Cc : qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org
> Objet : Re: [QGIS-Developer] duplicate oracle views displayed in the layer 
> list
> Hi,
> I take a quick look and there is something to be improved in data source 
> manager [1]. Could you open an issue? I'll fix it when I get a bit of time.
> Though, if you select your layer from browser and add it directly (not going 
> through data source manager), the primary keys will be autmatically detected.
> Kind regards,
> Julien
> [1] 
> https://smex-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fqgis%2fQGIS%2fblob%2fmaster%2fsrc%2fproviders%2foracle%2fqgsoraclesourceselect.cpp%23L79&umid=780a0b5f-df07-47e0-9067-f0d12d136c07&auth=36d1d20e74f91a1e26e6349f2f53f5bb05fa2020-145d981027346e5624c2dcd38adcf23f407df85f
>> Hello,
>> Thanks for your feedback. Is this PR integrated in qgis 3.16.9? I guess it 
>> is but I am not 100% sure.
>> I took your unit test in order to test if the PR was working. But the result 
>> is still the same. My QGIS can't figure out what is the primary key of the 
>> view whereas Qgis can manage to detect the primary key on the table.
>> Here is my sql script:
>> VARCHAR2(25), pk2 NUMBER, CONSTRAINT cons_pk PRIMARY KEY(pk1, pk2));
>> INSERT INTO ALTAS.TABLE_TESTPKS VALUES(1000,'Desc for 1st record', 1);
>> INSERT INTO ATLAS.TABLE_TESTPKS VALUES(2000,'Desc for 2nd record', 2);
>> CONSTRAINT const_view_pks PRIMARY KEY (pk1,pk2) DISABLE;
>> I also tried with only one primary key on the view:
>> VARCHAR2(25), pk2 NUMBER, CONSTRAINT cons_pk3 PRIMARY KEY(pk1, pk2));
>> COMMIT; INSERT INTO TABLE_TESTPKS3 VALUES(1000,'Desc for 1st record',
>> ADD CONSTRAINT const_view_pks3 PRIMARY KEY (pk1) DISABLE;
>> Then for both, I checked in the layer manager if qgis can recognize the id 
>> but qgis still offer me the possibility to define the primary key.
>> Should open an issue? Or something is wrong in my way to test qgis?
>> Jonathan
>> -----Message d'origine-----
>> De : Julien Cabieces <julien.cabie...@oslandia.com> Envoyé : lundi 4
>> octobre 2021 10:16 À : Piraux Jonathan <jonathan.pir...@sibelga.be> Cc
>> : qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org Objet : Re: [QGIS-Developer]
>> duplicate oracle views displayed in the layer list
>> Hi,
>> Regarding the primary key in disabled mode, it should work since this
>> PR:
>> https://smex-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3
>> a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fqgis%2fQGIS%2fpull%2f35112&umid=0b5dbc0e-6bdc-453a
>> -91ec-8a660054db2a&auth=7f6fc31f18215669cf004d4797887d3e13de5b8d-c69e2
>> 7dc0d3ac43d988d40510ffd17c7f0be14f0
>> Take a look about the test requests in the PR, maybe it'll give you an hint 
>> about why it doesn't work on your side.
>> If not, could you please open an issue here:
>> https://smex-ctp.trendmicro.com:443/wis/clicktime/v1/query?url=https%3
>> a%2f%2fgithub.com%2fqgis%2fQGIS%2fissues%2f&umid=0b5dbc0e-6bdc-453a-91
>> ec-8a660054db2a&auth=7f6fc31f18215669cf004d4797887d3e13de5b8d-5948a851
>> 307fe8df3701542c3952384de944f1c0
>> Kind regards,
>> Julien
>>> Hello,
>>> I can't figure out how I should configure my oracle db to avoid qgis to 
>>> duplicate oracle views in the layer manager. Like shown in the following 
>>> link:
>>> https://i.stack.imgur.com/esjuI.png
>>> On this image we can see that all oracle views are displayed 3 times:
>>>   *   Once as an attribute table
>>>   *   Once as a layer with a known primary key
>>>   *   Once as a layer without a known primary key
>>> I though that the issue was link to the fact that the views had no primary 
>>> keys. This as I saw in the oracle provider code (qgsoracleprovider.cpp)  
>>> that there is logic to select a column of the view/table that could be a 
>>> primary key.
>>> Therefore, I tried to set a primary key on one view as Oracle allows it (in 
>>> disabled mode). But without any success.
>>> As any one a suggestion? An idea how I could correctly define my oracle 
>>> views?
>>> I am using Qgis 3.16.9
>>> Thanks
>>> Jonathan
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