Hi Silvain,

Hm - this will require a "Python action".

Because with a generic action you could do something like:


using a QGIS expression, but there are two problems:

- you can only get @click_x and @click_y if you click on the feature; but since it is a point feature you cannot click outside the tolerance of this point in order to receive the coordinates

- generic actions do not allow updates of data

So you'd have to use a Python action. If you Google for QGIS Python actions, you should get some ideas how it works.


On 2022-06-23 15:32, PIERRE Sylvain wrote:

Hi Andreas,

I want an interactive solution . Close to measurement tool except I can catch the length and update a field in the layer table.

De : Andreas Neumann <a.neum...@carto.net>
Envoyé : jeudi 23 juin 2022 15:29
À : PIERRE Sylvain <sylvain.pie...@alsace.eu>
Cc : qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org
Objet : Re: [QGIS-Developer] action get measure

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Hi Sylvain,

Do you want an interactive solution where the user should interactively draw a second point - or is the second point already in your data table?


On 2022-06-23 14:42, PIERRE Sylvain via QGIS-Developer wrote:

Hi ,

I want to build an action on a point layer, wich draw a line from a point and store the lenght inside a field layer.

Is ther any way to do that ?



Sylvain PIERRE

Chef de projet système d'information

Direction des Systèmes d'Information et du Développement Numérique

Service Projets et Ingénierie Numérique

Collectivité européenne d'Alsace

Tél : 03 88 76 68 88


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