
I'm hoping to make some scripts for labelling layers.

I've found the basic labelling settings in

    layer = iface.activeLayer()layer.labeling().settings().format().size()

for example, and it seems that I could be able to update that with an
object like

    newsize = QgsTextFormat()
but I haven't yet found the correct way to update the layer's value.

it seems like it needs to be passed an entire new `QgsPalLayerSettings`
object but I haven't found a way to build a complete object.

I've seen `readFromLayer()` but I'm guessing that was a version 2 method
that's no longer available in version 3.

any pointers or a simple piece of code for updating a layer labelling
property would be hugely appreciated.

it also occurs to me to ask whether there is anything like:


that returns a dict of the layer symbology properties for a label.

Another helpful thing would be code that imports a label definition from an
exported xml file.


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