Hello. I use qgis docker images to run tests for a plugin. Recently my
tests started to fail when attempting to import qgis ("ModuleNotFoundError:
No module named 'qgis'").
I normally run tests using images qgis/qgis:latest and
qgis/qgis:release-3_22, in order to check compatibility with both the
latest release and the current LTR.
With qgis/qgis:latest everything works, but with qgis/qgis:release-3_22 it
produces the error described above.
While investigating the problem, I also tried to use older versions:
qgis:final-3_22_12 -> KO
qgis:final-3_22_11 -> KO
qgis:final-3_22_10 -> KO
qgis:final-3_22_9 -> OK (it seems to work as expected until this version)
Were there any significant changes between 3_22_9 and 3_22_10 that might
have caused this? Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you,


*PAOLO TORMENE* senior software developer +39 0382 5169882

*GLOBAL EARTHQUAKE MODEL * working together to assess risk

*GEM -* globalquakemodel.org <http://www.globalquakemodel.org> *T -*
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  • [QGIS-Developer] Issu... Paolo Tormene via QGIS-Developer

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