OK thanks, exactly the general guidance I was looking for. I'll look into
upgrading. Is there currently a version that makes things easiest?

On Mon, Jun 19, 2023 at 2:34 PM Even Rouault <even.roua...@spatialys.com>

> Building recent QGIS versions on 20.04 is going to be quite a lot of pain
> since you'll need indeed to have a qt 5.15 build, and all the other
> auxiliary QT based dependencies build against it.
> I'd suggest you update to 22.04 at least. Or if you don't want to do
> development but can live with released versions, try conda-forge builds (cf
> https://plugins.qgis.org/planet/tag/conda/)
> Le 19/06/2023 à 20:30, Hugh Kelley via QGIS-Developer a écrit :
> Hi all,
> while working on compiling qgis on ubuntu using these instructions [0] ,
> i've run into an error while running cmake that "QRecursiveMutex" is not
> found.
> It looks like that became available in QT 5.14.
> Ubuntu 20.04 installs QT 5.12. During my searches i've seen comments that
> imply 5.15 might not be available for 20.04.  I'm trying to figure out
> whether I should be trying to upgrade Qt, if I have to upgrade Ubuntu, or
> if there is some option in the compilation process that can resolve this
> for me.
> I've installed Qt 5.15.2 to /opt/ and added it to PATH, but qtdiag still
> indicates i'm using 5.12.x
> I thought i'd start by asking here before asking on a Qt general forum in
> case there's a qgis specific solution.
> I've also set the cmake 3d option to "no" which got me around the absence
> of q qt 3d extras pacakge/file.  So maybe there's a similar solution for
> this although this version problem seem more essential.
> Thanks for any suggestions!
> [0] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/master/INSTALL.md
> --
> Hugh Kelley
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> My software is free, but my time generally not.

Hugh Kelley
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