On 1/28/24 19:04, Even Rouault wrote:

what I don't understand is how you manage to create with ogr2ogr a table 
without explicit SRS with features whose coordinates are not compatible of 
geographic coordinates. As mentioned previously, I do get a hard error from 
ogr2ogr when trying that. Which GDAL version do you use?

I'm doing this on a Debian 12/Bookworm machine.

$ ogr2ogr --version
GDAL 3.6.2, released 2023/01/02

But the people who contacted me (today I found out, of 
https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/55463) actually create this table 
theirselves, I think, without explicitly setting a crs on a column when 
creating a table. Which if I understand from 
https://ant.burnett.com.au/adding-spatial-column-to-existing-mysql-table/ is 
the issue.

The reason for which QGIS doesn't display features is likely it calls OGR with 
SetSpatialFilter() , which the mySQL driver turns into a  WHERE 
MBRIntersects(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((.....))', 'axis-order=long-lat'), 
`geom_colum_name`) filter. The 'axis-order=long-lat' qualifier is because OGR 
(perhaps mistakenly?) identifies the layer as with a geographic SRS, and if the 
extents of the layer aren't compatible of geographic coordinates, that probably 
causes the filter to fail.

But, my point: why can QGIS apparently show attributes, while not showing a 
geom.. Apparently the features were fully retrieved.

I could even copy the features from the attribute-table (when not seeing them 
on the MapCanvas), and copy them in another table (with made the geoms 

My hope is people, still using mysql, will learn from the comments to create 
proper tables/columns.

Thanks for the fix!


Richard Duivenvoorde

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