Is it me or it is a common problem? I couldn't have answers neither on
ml nor on the trac...

2008/10/19 G. Allegri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I migrate here a discussion started in a ticket
> I change the question asking the following: how to make proportional
> symbols, i.e. with the size based on a certain attribute?
> I thought I should use the "Area scale fields" in the Properties
> window. It does the work, but it doesn't scale the sttribute values,
> so if the they are "big" the symbols overlay each other even covering
> the entire screen.
> I show two images about this:
> Property dialog:
> Result:
> I've used the lower allowed "Dimension" (=3)...
> Am I using a tool that wasn't supposed to do this work? Or am I using
> it in the wrong way?
> Giovanni
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