> I've brought this up several times in the past too. Something similar to
> http://trac-hacks.org would be great, especially if we can integrate it
> with pyqgis.org so that you could click through the web to release a new
> version to the xml repos.

Of course, it should be integrated. But it must be disputed how to trigger the 
release? Also, how to maintain multiple versions? E.g. one stable and one 
development. Should they be maintained in separate directories? If so, a 
synchronization tool would be nice... A lot of questions, but I believe 
there's a good basis in the end :)

> I'll look into options, that would allow plugin authors or qgis devs to
> grant access to plugins in an easy manner (through the web).

It's essential :)

> Would it make sense to do something more similar to github/bitbucket
> where anyone can branch anyone else's stuff there just needs to be
> cooperation to merge back?

Won't it result with still growing number of branches? I think it's not 
necessary, I prefer the previous idea. Witch svn, everyone can just send a 
patch to the author.
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