On 04/26/2012 06:22 AM, Kurt Menke wrote:
> Hello,
> I have installed OsGeo4W with the Express installation in a lab for use in a
> college FOSS4G course this summer. When I try to run QGIS or OpenEV, I get
> the following error:
> The ordinal 3109 could not located in the dynamic link library LIBEAY32.dll
> I've never run into this installing OSGeo4W in my office. Any ideas about
> how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. The machines are running the
> 64 bit version of Windows 7.
> Thanks.
> Kurt

This bug creeps in from time to time. I can't recall the exact problem
but I think rerunning the install sometimes works. You might need to
toggle and extra lib on/off or their might be a conflicting version from
something else on the machines.

Dig through the osgeo4w mailing list archive on nabble and the tickets.
I'm positive I've seen this before.


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