Am 23.08.12 09:17, schrieb WRoberts:
Hi All,

I have been opening and working with kml data in qgis for sometime and have
had very few issues. Unfortunately I seem to have run into a problem with a
file sent to from a colleague in the field. The kml in questions opens in GE
no problem and even has a time feature whereby the start and end time is
shown and the user can move the slider to see how and where the device was.
Nice feature but I think it is introducing an error when attempting to open
in QGIS. The kml is a track of a road and was collected using an android app
called GPS essentials. The qgis error states *.kml is not a valid or
recognized data source.

ogrinfo returns
:~$ ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' output.shp Track-082212_83453.kml
ERROR 4: No layers in KML file: Track-082212_83453.kml.
Unable to open datasource `Track-082212_83453.kml' with the following

When I open the kml in gedit I get an xml type structure.

What kind of data is stored in the kml?
We recently had an issue that it may not contain points *and* lines together. Ogr2ogr expects either points, lines, or polygons, but not all together. Maybe your time data is notr recognized by teh ogr driver as well.

Perhaps you can convert it to GPX format with gpsbabel. The gpx importer in Qgis allows data with timestamp.

André Joost

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