
apart from the solution you mention, MS Access database tables can also be accessed via the evis plugin. But this is only a one-way-importer.

It should be possible to connect to MDBs the same way as postgis and spatialite databases. I think the problem comes with database synchronisation and parallel working on the same database.

In such cases, the ultimate answer is: "You can have what you want, if you pay a developer for it."

André Joost

Am 22.09.2012 00:59, schrieb Bernd Vogelgesang:
Hi there,
from a talk at the German User Meeting today in Kassel (thanx to Claas
for the organization), i got the impression that ONE important thing in
qgis is still missing:
Direct support for normal access databases!

Personal geodatabases work like a charm now (many thanx for this!), but
i was told, that a lot of people who would be the perfect target group
for qgis, still work on a completely gis-free level, dealing with their
data in normal access databases or even worse formats.

To catch those people and show them the light, it seems to me to be
crucial, that qgis would be able to add/join/edit normal tables from
normal access database as well without having to do such odbc-magic
apprx. 99% of the world population have never heard of.

i found a "solution" for geeks, but how about those people like me or
john doe, who have no idea about how to compile gdal with other stuff
but are merely able to do some gis work?

I couldn'd find a feature request on the hub on this matter, so i wonder
if this would be a good feature request, or whether there are technical,
legal or "political" constraints preventing such a support so far.

As far as i understand ESRI personal geodatabases are just some pimped
access databases, so the impossibility to just load such in qgis is a
mystery to me.

Can anybody shed some light on this issue?

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