Am 22.09.2012 14:57, schrieb Micha Silver:

I have a feeling that QSpatialite is somewhat behind. I'm using spatialite 3.0
with the spatialite_gui 1.5 and there you have access to the new format for
making use of spatial indexes.

The problem is that, unlike PostGIS, spatial indexes are not used automatically.
After you create a spatial index on a table, you must then construct your query
to make use of it. This is certainly non-intuitive for "normal people".

I would surely use those spatial index features if they are fully incorporated in Qgis. In the meantime, I don't wont to spoil my existing databases with external programs. For large datasets, I still can export to my Openstreetmap Postgis database, which works fine.

Ok, but the topic here is not about spatialite or Postgis databases, but MS Access ones.

André Joost

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