Am 30.11.2012, 23:52 Uhr, schrieb Victor Olaya <>:

Hi all

As you might know, the SEXTANTE project started some time ago at the
University of Extremadura (Spain), where I was working. I started
creating the QGIS version at the beginning of this year, and now I do
not work for the University, but I am still mantaining it. The
University has some money that they would like to invest on improving
SEXTANTE for QGIS, as this is the version they (and I personally share
that) consider more relevant. I am not available for that task, as I
have another job, but I would help coordinate the development in my
spare time, as I do now.

There are some priorities, which involve developing certain new
analysis algorithms that are of interest, mostly for academic
purposes, and creating good documentation about how to develop new
SEXTANTE algorithms, so as to bring more developers in and ensure that
SEXTANTE will keep on growing. But apart from that, we would like to
hear from the community, to know what is better for SEXTANTE.

So, in short:

- The University has some money (not much...but some) and wants to
invest it wisely
- It is looking for ideas to define the work to do (apart from its
particular interest), in order to turn SEXTANTE into a really powerful
- We are looking for someone to do this work.

Let's start with the second point.... How do you think we should spend
this money on SEXTANTE?

Please, comment on this and help us push SEXTANTE forward.

Many thanks in advance.


Hi Victor,

when i saw the first annoucements for SEXTANTE in QGIS, i was really excited, and your responsiveness for this matter is really great.
So, i would give the money to YOU ;)

In a foreseeable future, the current plugin presentation in the standard menus and toolbar-icons will not be able to hold all functions in a comfortable way anymore. I personally think, the SEXTANTE approach (though i have NO idea what's technically behind it and what it was basically intended for) should become the core means for accessing functionalities in QGIS. ... actually like the ArcGIS-Toolbox, the only thing i really like on that software compared to the current QGIS way...

It would be great if in the future, new (or rewritten) plugins could be designed directly towards a sextante integration (so if not possible to completely integrate, at least make the function findable through the search and then fire the custom form).

Another thing i would really like to see in sextante and in qgis in general would be to be able to drag and drop layers into the forms instead of having to fumble through dozens of layers in a drop-down only.

So that was my wishlist.
Lets see what Santa Claus will bring ;)


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