Hi Astrid,

AFAIK QGIS can only handle one geometry type per layer (how should it be displayed by default?) and only (Multi)points, -lines and -polygons.
So there are IMHO two workarounds, both with views:
1) create three different tables ((Multi)point, (Multi)linestring and (Multi)polygon) for editing. Put them all into a view for your result:
SELECT * FROM <pointtable> UNION select * FROM <linetable> ...
2) keep your geometries in one table and make three views, one for each geometrytype. Define appropriate rules on the views in order to push any edits back into the table.


Am 17.12.2012 09:22, schrieb Astrid Emde:

in a project I want to handle in one PostgreSQl/PostGIS table different
geometrytypes (POINT, LINESTRING, POLYGON or even MULTI-objects) in a
single geometrycolumn.

Then I would like to digitize with QGIS new objects. Is this possible?

I tried it already but in QGIS it is not possible to select the
different geometrytypes although I already have different geometrytypes
in the table.

I tried with the TYPE GEOMETRYCOLLECTION too, but QGIS seams not to
support this at all.

I am using PostGIS 1.5 and QGIS 1.8.0.

Thanks for your help.

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