Am 13.06.2013 16:41, schrieb Blumentrath, Stefan:
+1 for a more user-friendly export to GPX!

If I am not mistaken, export to GPX does not necessarily require

The GPX format is indeed sensitive to field names and types, but
these names and types should be supported by default: Name              Data
type name               Text ele                Double symbol           Text 
comment    Text description
Text source             Text url                Text (Where "ele" stands for 

So I think you need the "GPX_EXTENSIONS" only if you want to have
other columns/fields... (Correct me if I am wrong).

You need it whenever your layer has fields with other names as well. The
driver does not default to take what the GPX definition allows, and
ignore the rest.

Another annoying default feature is that lines will be converted to routes,
although most users want to have tracks.

André Joost

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