Hi all,

I'm playing around with QGIS 2.0.1 on Centos 6.4. I've compiled it
with ECW and mapserv support, and I'm using the web client to connect
to mapserv.

With some of my maps, the raster image layer fails to load - actually,
mapserv returns a blank white image of the appropriate dimensions. The
shape layers all load fine.

The test maps supplied with QGIS both work fine, it's just *some* of
the maps that I've created with my QGIS desktop client that are the
problem. They all load fine in the desktop client.

If I manually edit the XML of an affected .qgs project and change the
datasource of a non-loading layer to that of an image from another
project which does load, it works. So the problem seems to be purely
in the image file, rather than in the XML.

I've tried with both ECW and TIF formats, and I can't see any pattern
as to why some load but others don't. There are no errors in the logs.

I've also tried building QGIS 2.0.1 on Ubuntu Precise - exactly the
same problems.

Any thoughts please?

Peter Smith

Qgis-user mailing list

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