Hi Sarah,

I think what you may have for (N 3904,668 - E 1652,784) is actually degrees, minutes and decimal minutes:
N 39d 04min .668dec min (or 40.08sec [.668*60]) = N 39d 04min 40.08 sec
E 16d 52min .784 dec min (or 47.04sec [.784*60]) = N 16d 52min 47.04 sec
or in decimal degrees
N 39.0778
E 16.879733
This puts the point about 7km south of Roccabernarda.

In the UK and US a dot is usually the decimal point, in Europe a comma is often the decimal point.


should fall in the vicinity of coordinates: N 391373746 - E 16,8745837 (Roccabernarda in the province of Crotone).

On 12/03/2014 08:01, Lynkos wrote:
Solve one mystery and another appears! This isn't really a QGIS issue, but I'm wondering if there's someone out there who'd be willing to give me a hand anyway. I'm processing a series of data sheets of bird observations from volunteer observers throughout Italy. We specify decimal degrees, WGS84 (UTM 33 o 32N), but as you can imagine, the coordinates come in all shapes and sizes and trying to standardise them is a real challenge. I'm having a particular problem trying to understand (and therefore subsequently convert), the following group of coordinates:

N 3915.452          E 1655.732

N 3913.887          E 1655.653

N 3905.717          E 1703.311

N 3902.444          E 1701.229

N 3902.936          E 1701.405

N 3904.791          E 1654.796

N 3904.668          E 1652.784**

N 3906.065          E 1657.129

N 3905.403          E 1701.755

N 3909.825          E 1659.315

N 3909.479          E 1657.053

N 3912.038          E 1655.576

N 3912.436          E 1656.515

N 3911.025          E 1659.291

N 3911.148          E 1659.506

N 3911.347          E 1659.521

N 3911.824          E 1659.739

They should all fall in the province of Crotone in Calabria, Italy, but nothing I've tried gets them there :-(.

To give an idea, the coordinates with an asterix (N 3904,668 - E 1652,784) should fall in the vicinity of coordinates: N 391373746 - E 16,8745837 (Roccabernarda in the province of Crotone).

Thanks for any help, and my apologies if the answer is so simple a primary school kid could get there :-(, Sarah.

*Sarah Gregg*
immagini - parole - territorio - natura
Web:www.wild-eyes.eu <http://www.wild-eyes.eu/>

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