Hi Marcus,

You need to use a classified or graduated symbology, much as described here:

The field you want to classify on will be the depth value...

layer properties -> style -> click the button that probably says "single 
symbol" and go from there

Brent Wood

 From: kmgkmgkmgkmg . <km.gul...@gmail.com>
To: qgis-user@lists.osgeo.org 
Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2014 12:04 PM
Subject: [Qgis-user] How to make the GEBCO Oceans data into nice colours?

Hello everyone..

How do you to control the colours of the bathymetric data. Wish to produce 
atlas type colours.
Similar to this: 

I've managed pseudo colours and negatives, shades of one colour etc..
But how to do make the shallow waters greenish and the deep sea dark black blue?
Please let me know the procedure this step by step.

Yours hopefully..
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