Oh - a list of the questions would be handy for anyone looking at the results:
1. When did your organisation start using QGIS?
2. What are your main uses of QGIS? (select as many as apply)
3. What would you consider spending money on to support your use of QGIS?
4. Are there any particular aspects of QGIS development which you would like to support? 5. What factors would drive your choice of supplier for QGIS development or support services? 6. How much money do you spend on QGIS development or support services per year? (1 USD is about 0.74 Euro or 0.59 GBP) 7. How much money would you consider spending on QGIS development or support services per year? (include all services provided by external suppliers e.g. training) 8. If you currently spend less than you would consider spending, why is this?
9. What is the nature of your organisation?
10. What is the nature of your work? (select as many as apply)
11. Where is your organisation located? (select as many as apply)
12. How many employees (or volunteers) in your organisation?
13. How many of the employees would use QGIS in a typical month?

Alister Hood wrote, On 14/06/14 02:12:
Hi everyone, my girlfriend is doing some market research for a course she is doing. It is a short survey basically about your use of QGIS, and ways you fund or would consider funding development. It is 13 questions, but six are just demographic, so it shouldn't take too long. If you would take a couple of minutes to answer it that would be much appreciated.

The survey is at
Results will be visible at

Apologies for not consulting about this survey first - unfortunately time is short. She'll have to look at the responses obtained in the next five days or so, but I think it will probably be good to leave the survey open for longer to get more results (if there is a good number hopefully the information will be useful to the community).


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