On 09/05/2014 08:13 AM, manuel.martin wrote:
> Hi all,
> when I try displaying, in Qgis 2.0.1, a vector map from a Grass 7
> database, Qgis fails at detecting layers and gives me back a "No layers
> available in this map". Any idea why this happens and how to bypass this?
> My OS is Ubuntu 14.04 but I had the same problem with Ubuntu 12.04.
> Any help appreciated,                  Manuel

Might be related to this

I suspect that you're just missing the GRASS 7 driver from GDAL/OGR.
So you might need to upgrade QGIS(2.2+) and/or GDAL (1.11+) from the
qgis.org or the ubuntugis repos.


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