It's useful information, thank you Alain

2014-10-29 11:48 GMT-05:00 Alain Gauthier <>:

> Hello,
> I found a workaround to my problem : the computation I am performing is
> done on a layer open from a network file.
> So I copied the files on my local computer disk and the computation time
> became normal, with a normal CPU usage.
> In order to understand the problem, I had a look to questions on slow
> network access trouble with QGIS. I think my problem is related to that
> one :
> In fact if I try to perform a simple "spatial query" with Qgis onto a
> layer opened for a network file, the computation is very slow and does
> not use more than few percents of CPU. The same query done on a layer
> opened from a local disk file is normaly performed.
> I hope this could help anyone facing this performance problem.
> Thank you for your attention
> Alain Gauthier
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