
Thanks for your reply Lluis.
 I used the GRASS command r.cost commenting, but also gives me error. It also 
includes a start point and a finish and I only need one start point. I explain 
what I need to do, to see if I can also help.
 I created a layer fricion, in which the cells have temporal value. Intend to 
make a layer of cost in that the cost in time taken to pass through each cell 
is determined. It starts from a point (the archaeological site) and no end, the 
extension would be the entire layer of friction. Subsequently, the resulting 
layer is reclassified to determine territories around the site.
This in gvSIG with Sexante is done easily, but if it is assumed that Sexante 
included in the QGIS version 2.2 with which I work, I do not see it anywhere.

 I would like to perform with QGIS to only work with a program, so would 
appreciate if someone can tell me how.
Best Regards
Andres Ocaña
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