It appears to be a problem with your Qgis installation.

You are right: it really is a problem with the installation of Qgis under Windows 8.1. Now I am working with Qgis Brighton under Ubuntu and everything works perfectly! I want to specify that, when I installed Windows Qgis Brighton, before I removed the previous version (Chugiak) and I deleted all folders and registry keys related to Qgis and, only later, I installed Brighton. As soon as possible I'll just make the reinstallation in the same way and will inform you of the result.
Thanks again and best wishes.


Il 21/12/2014 16:45, ha scritto:
It appears to be a problem with your Qgis installation. I was able to open both file and modify them both ways. I assumed the CRS was wgs84 (it is not). I would do a complete reinstall and make sure you remove the registry keys in the windows registry. You can also backup then erase the .qgis2 folder (your plugins).

I have sent you back both files plus a project plus file I did the "Save as" (they are in the wrong projection). You can see that you are missing some files for yours layers but it does not appear to be a problem for now. Did you try to modify the files on a server or from your hard drive?


Le 2014-12-21 07:16, Alessio Degioannini a écrit :
send me the files if you can
attached shapefiles:

  * target layer: where to past the new polygon
  * layer containing the polygon to be added to target layer.

Try to do, and wonder...
Thank you and best regards.

Il 20/12/2014 17:32, Nicolas Cadieux ha scritto:

Yes that could be it... Sometime simple is better... But if he did a cut in paste in an empty file, then the file should not have styling properties....

Alessio, check out to make sure its not a styling issue an send me the files if you can.

Nicolas Cadieux M.Sc.
Les Entreprises Archéotec inc.
8548, rue Saint-Denis Montréal H2P 2H2
Téléphone: 514.381.5112  Fax: 514.381.4995

Le 2014-12-20 08:21, "Joris Hintjens [via]" <[hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5178688&i=0>> a écrit :

    Hi Nicolas,
     I have had same issues. In my case the problem was that the
    target layer had styling properties. The new added elements had
    no style and appeared blank. My advise; check the styling in the
    layer properties.



    Op 20-dec.-2014, om 11:22 heeft Alessio Degioannini <[hidden
    email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=5178669&i=0>> het
    volgende geschreven:

    Hi Nicolas,
    Try copying the content of the second file to an empty file to
    see what happens.  If that works, try copying the content of
    the first file in that new file and see what happens.
    Nothing.... Same issue: new record ok, no new entity in view.

    Could it be a projection problem?  Look to see if both files
    are in the same projection.  I usually use cut and paste
between two file with the same CRS.
    Every layer is in the same projection.
    Every layer is polygonal.

    Weird a lot!
    Thank you,

    Il 19/12/2014 15:06, Nicolas Cadieux ha scritto:

    Sounds weird.  Try copying the content of the second file to an
    empty file to see what happens.  If that works, try copying the
    content of the first file in that new file and see what happens.

    Could it be a projection problem?  Look to see if both files
    are in the same projection.  I usually use cut and paste
    between two file with the same CRS.

    Nicolas Cadieux M.Sc.
    Les Entreprises Archéotec inc.
    8548, rue Saint-Denis Montréal H2P 2H2
    Téléphone: 514.381.5112  Fax: 514.381.4995

    Le 2014-12-19 04:49, "Alessio Degioannini [via
    <>] " <<a moz-do-not-send="true"
    target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external" class="">[hidden
    email]> a écrit :
    I've just copied an entity from a poligonal layer to another.
    No geometry or topology error in the source layer, no geo/top
    errror in
    the target layer before pasting the new entity.
    After pasting: in the target layer table appears the espected new
    record, in the view: nothing. No reply to zoom to selected command.
    Check geometry freezes. Check topology ok.
    Help me, please.
    Thanks in advance.
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