Weird. I'll try to reproduce.

Doesnt seem like something that would slip by.

Can you test again on a brand new table without any triggers or postgresql
magic behind?
Em 25/01/2015 23:15, "Mofo Yoda" <> escreveu:

> Hi list,
> I have a non-spatial postgres table in my QGIS project which I want to
> edit in attribute table window. When I open it, first time when I change
> any attribute value and hit "Save Edits” button, the data is updated in the
> DB and updated in QGIS attribute table window. But when I try to edit an
> attribute of the same record the second time, when I hit save nothing is
> updated in the db. But the attribute table shows new values. Stopping and
> starting new editing session doesn’t help. The only thing that helps is
> closing the attribute table window and reopening it again. Then I can edit
> the value once again, but only one time.
> PostGIS log window in QGIS is clean, I get no errors when hitting “Save
> Edits”. I’m on version 2.6.0.
> Does anyone have the same bug?
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