On 08-04-15 11:08, dario p wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a problem with  signed 8-bit data type esri bil raster.
> I have the following header .hdr
> nrows 1791
> ncols 1615
> nbands 1
> nbits 8
> byteorder I
> layout bil
> skipbytes 0
> ulxmap 9.6841668799
> ulymap 44.4760415829
> xdim 0.0016666668
> ydim 0.0012500001
> pixeltype SIGNEDINT
> but when I read the bil with QGIS 2.6.0 the result is an unsigned integer.
> Where is the problem? Please may you help me?

Hi Dario,

while 2.6 is used by a lot of people most precious dev-time will go into
QGIS 2.8 (as it is a Long Term Release) and in current development
version (2.9).

so best is if you try to test this problem in QGIS 2.8 or later, and if
it is still there, create an issue [0] for this WITH a small dataset so
it is easy to test for others. It helps when somebody else confirms your
issue, (who even is not able to fix this) to convince a dev to put
energy in it.

Sorry I cannot help you further.


Richard Duivenvoorde

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