Why does it have to be this hard to install amd maintain QGis on the most
common os of the world?
Not to mention QGis server which apparently no one manages to install.

Hälsning / Regards

Skickat från min / Sent from my iPhone, Ursäkta att jag är kortfattad /
Excuse my brevity.

16 jul 2015 kl. 13:02 skrev Richard McDonnell <richard.mcdonn...@opw.ie>:

 Please see below,
In my experience, if you want QGIS to work within Windows with some
stability with GRASS and SAGA you need to use the OSGEO4W installer not the

   1. Backup python Plugins(C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis\python\plugins for
   Python Plugins)
   2. Delete the OSGEO4W folder
   3. If you have other versions of the software installed via standalone
   installers, uninstall all the Programs (QGIS,GRASS, SAGA etc)
   4. Run a search for QGIS and delete any other folders (besides your
   Backup...be careful)
    5. If you don't have ccleaner or similar install it, click on Registry
   (Left icon second from top), Scan for issues & then Fix selected issues,
   repeat untill there are no issues.
   6. Download most recent version of OSGEO4W installer (not standalone
   QGIS installer see  http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ )
   7. Do a standard Desktop instillation, It will install QGIS GRASS SAGA
   and uDig, R should also be installed (Im open to correction)
   8. When you have finished over wright the plugins folder with the backup.
   9. Now you may have some issues initially, but redirecting is easy
   enough, just direct everything to the corresponding OSGEO4W folder.

This is what I remember having to do with my last instillation, I cant
currently verify the above, as I don't have sufficient rights on my Work PC
at present.
Contact me if you run into any issues!


On 15/07/2015 11:43, Evanilton Pires wrote:

  Dear QGIS users

 My name is Evanilton Edgar Serrão Pires, I am an Environmental Engineering
student and a QGIS user.

 I started to use QGIS 2.2.0 Valmiera last year and since my first
installation it never installed GRASS and SAGA correctly (their shortcut
never appeared correctly and never worked, therefore I could never use
those applications inside QGIS)  . At that time I was using Windows 8. When
I started QGIS it appeared a dialogue box saying «QGIS couldn't find your
GRASS installation.

Would you like to specify path (GISBASE) to your GRASS installation?». And
inside QGIS, SAGA and GRASS algorithms never worked properly. With the new
releases of QGIS 2.4.0 Chugiak and 2.6.0 Brighton, when uninstalling, it
would uninstall and install normally, however, always telling me that the
previous version was already installed at the time of the installation,
although I uninstalled it previously.
 Early this year, I bought a new computer (which came with Windows 8.1
Single Language) and I installed QGIS 2.8.1 Wien in first place (the first
app to be installed right when I bought the computer, after the anti-virus,
of course) and for my joy, it installed GRASS and SAGA correctly and was
working very well, in such way that I was very happy with it. However, on
the 25th of May, I uninstalled the 2.8.1 version and installed the 2.8.2,
but for my displeasure, the GRASS and SAGA plugins were not properly
installed again.
I went to the QGIS project website looking for solutions and I found a page
saying that I should specify the path for the ''.exe'', but in the program
folder  there is no executor file. I even installed GRASS independently
again and in the new installation folder there is no ''.exe'' either. When
I install SAGA independently it does not work with QGIS.
 Another strange thing is that after I have uninstalled the 2.8.1 version
and tried to install the 2.8.2, for the first time when installing it
appeared the information of skipping all the folder creations and
extractions, and at the end it said that QGIS was installed but the
application did not exist in my computer. When I installed for the second
time, it extracted and created the folders, and when finished QGIS was in
my computer. Attached you may find the file it produced in the first

 I always install using the standalone-installer.

 If you need any further information, please let me know.

 What should I do? Is it normal for the software never be completely
removed from the system? Please, I really would like to solve this issue.

 Hope to hear from you soon.

 QGIS is really good and useful, and I think we should promote its

 All the best to you guys

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