Hello Morten

2015-09-15 9:45 GMT+02:00 magerlin <m...@ramboll.dk>:
> Sometimes I work via VPN on a server at my job with both qgs project file and
> shapefiles on the company server.
> Working with the data (= shapefiles) work fine, but saving the project takes
> forever - lately a 600 kb project file took about 15 minutes to save. I can
> see in the windows file manager how the filesize on the server grows very
> slowly after having pressed save.
> I can copy a 600 kb file to the company server in a few seconds so the
> general connection is ok.

Tha same is happening to me using windows shared folders in a LAN.
QGIS works very well with both data and project in shared folders but
saving projects is painfully slow. Saving layers to shares (via "save
as", plugins...) is fast. Saving projects locally and copying them to
shares is fast too. Only saving projects directly to shared folders is

I have no idea why this is happening. Maybe too many I/O operations?

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