On 10/21/2015 11:27 AM, Brent Wood wrote:
> One point to note - be careful on your cpu choice. I7 does not mean faster 
> than I5, but does generally mean more cores. Clock speed is also misleading, 
> an I5 2.67 cpu can be substantially slower than an I5 2.6Ghz (I have one of 
> each in front of me right now - with same memory & disk).
> eg: from PassMark CPU Benchmarks - High Mid Range CPUs
> Intel Core i7-2640M @ 2.80GHz      3,914 
> Intel Core i7-4550U @ 1.50GHz       3,893 
> Intel Core i3-4110M @ 2.60GHz      3,873 
> Intel Core i3-2120 @ 3.30GHz         3,869 
>  Intel Core i7-3537U @ 2.00GHz       3,857 
>  Intel Core i5-5300U @ 2.30GHz       3,849 

http://cpuboss.com/ makes it really easy to compare the cpu before buying.

(PS: if you want to overclock you need the models that end in K)

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