Le 01/12/2015 09:41, Radim Blazek a écrit :
On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 5:22 PM, Patrick Giraudoux
<patrick.giraudoux@univ->>> Must admit I prefer the straight solution
of earlier versions, where a
dialog box permitted easy access to the GRASS mapset that was opened from
icons. Anyway, no choice in the latest version as long as I understand...
Suppose there has been good reasons to do so and that I will discover
later :-)
The icons and dialogs were removed after discussion in mailing list
There were no voices asking to keep the dialogs.

I think that using the browser to add layers is generally accepted and
preferred. Try to count clicks to add a layer
- dialog: 1 click to open dialog, 1 click to trigger combo box drop
down, 1 click to select layer, 1 click to add layer = 4 clicks
- browser: 1 double click on the layer

Theoretically yes, when the file of interest is displayed in the browser.
Practically, the many clicks are now in the browser through the hierarchical
structure of the user folders to find out the place where the mapset of
interest is ;-). Can take a while.
I know, but usually you are working in one mapset, so you have to go
to the mapset just once, then it remains ready for next layer while
the number of clicks with the dialog is always 4. +2 clicks if you
want to add a layer from another mapset. The filter in the browser is
another advantage.


Indeed. Agreed.


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