On 4 March 2017 at 05:39, Tobias Wendorff
<tobias.wendo...@tu-dortmund.de> wrote:
> Hi there!
> I'm using QGIS 2.18.3 (Windows 7, 64bit with 16 GB of RAM).
> I've loaded a PostgreSQL table with more than 3 * 10^6 entries.
> When accesing the attributes, QGIS downloads all the attributes!
> QGIS first gets instable and crashes afterwards.
> Actually, it would be more useful to download only the attributes,
> which are in the current view.
> Is there an option for this or is it a bug/missing feature?

Yep - it's really annoying for large layers. If you go to settings ->
options -> data sources you can change "attribute table behaviour" to
"show features visible on map". That'll help a bit.

I've got changes incoming which also improve the performance if you
have the "show selected features" option enabled

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