On 4 March 2017 at 05:35, Tobias Wendorff
<tobias.wendo...@tu-dortmund.de> wrote:
> Hi there!
> About three weeks ago, I've posted a possible bug in the WMS client
> of QGIS. This bug hasn't been reviewed or assigned to a developer:
> https://hub.qgis.org/issues/16180
> Did I miss something to make or did I post it in the wrong section?

No - you haven't missed anything. It's just important to note that the
bug tracker is just a tracker - basically a giant list of issues.
Filing new ones won't automatically result in a fix.

A while ago I wrote up a blog post to try to clarify the situation
with how you can get things fixed in QGIS. It's just my opinion, and
not reflective of an official project view, but you can read it here:

Hope that helps!
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