Hi all,

I'd like to raise discussion about changing the behaviour of the "show
selected features" mode in the attribute table.

Over the last couple of weeks I've pushed fixes to both 3.0 and
(shortly) 2.18 to improve the performance of the attribute table when
this mode is selected (Thanks to Faunalia and ENEL for sponsoring
this!). With these changes *only* the selected features are fetched
from providers to show in the attribute table, vs the current
behaviour of fetching *everything* and then filtering out to the
selection. It makes a huge difference for working with large layers.

Now - there's one last piece of this I'd like to land, but it changes
the behaviour of this mode. Currently if you have the table set to
"show selected features", but there's nothing selected, then ALL
features are shown.

This kills the benefit of setting the table to show in this mode. If
you accidentally open the table for a large layer with no selection,
it'll force every feature to be fetched again.

I'd like to change this, so that no selection = nothing shows in the
table. This means that users can safely set the attribute table to
always show in "selected features" mode and be confident that they'll
never hit the situation where every feature is fetched (unless of
course they have selected *every* feature!).

Does anyone object to this change landing for 3.0 and 2.18?

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