On 20-03-17 08:54, Paulo van Breugel wrote:

Using the definition on the proj4 page, you can define a custom CRS (settings --> custom crs). Just fill in under parameters '+proj=igh'. I just tried and it gives a good match

Note that this grassland layer is based on the terrestrial ecoregional map of WWF [1]. If you over overlay that on your grassland layer, using for the latter the Interrupted Goode Homolosine CRS, you see they will overlap perfectly. You could in fact easily recreate the map using the ecoregional map.




On 20-03-17 07:46, Martin wrote:
Many thanks Raymond: that is helpful. Now at least I know what the projection is! As QGIS has so many projections it never occurred to me that there may be one that it didn't include. I will now see if there is some other way - outside QGIS perhaps? - to convert this projection into something more friendly (so to speak).


On 19/03/17 21:30, Raymond Nijssen wrote:
Hi Martin,

Sorry, I cannot really help you.

Your data seems to be in the (quite odd for distributing data) projection:

And it is not recognized by qgis.

Proj4 seems to know it though:

And I found this:

Hope it helps (a bit),

On 19-03-17 20:49, Martin wrote:
Hello folks!

I would like to plot a simple map of the WWF World Grassland Types (the
shape file is available at

It is in an unusual projection. The .prj file is:


The map does not include the outline countries of the world and
therefore I would like to add these (perhaps the NaturalEarth 110
million scale country shape file, which is in WGS84).

However, I cannot figure out how to align the grassland layer and the
110 million NaturalEarth layer. As I understand it, I should use Save As to reproject the grassland shape file with a new CRS (perhaps Mercator). With Enable on the fly CRS transformation enabled I should then be able
to put the two shape files together - but I am darned if I can obtain
anything sensible: I cannot get the two layers to align in any way.
Adding to my previous email: setting the project CRS to Interrupted Goode Homolosine CRS and then opening this and other maps (with OTF enabled) works. However, reprojecting the layer using save as (and setting a new CRS) does not. I tried defining the CRS of the layer and saved it under different name, setting the CRS to EPGS 4326, but the resulting layer is completely distorted.

With grateful thanks for  any help, Martin

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