Hey Jonathan,

The QGIS bug tracker is a public resoure.  Anything that is posted there
anyone can see, download, and use..  If you need to keep data confidential
I would not post it it in ticket itself.

If a devleoper shows interests in your ticket they may ask you for the data
priviatly if you need to keep it confidential.

There are however vervioius data scrumbbing methods you can use to fudge
the data depending on what you are keeping confidential.


On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 6:22 AM, Jonathan Webb <jonat...@jwebbgis.co.uk>

> Hi,
> I'm in the process of filing a bug report.  Before I can ask my client if
> I can submit the accompanying data, I need some confirmation of
> confidentiality - I have searched through various channels but not found
> anything.
> Whilst I assume confidentiality, I can't really just make that assumption
> with someone else's data.
> Can anyone point me to anything I could pass on to my client?
> Thanks.
> Jonathan
> --
> Jonathan Webb
> Freelance GIS Specialist
> 07941 921905
> http://www.jwebbgis.co.uk
> http://uk.linkedin.com/in/jwebbgis
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