you need to explicitly state the geometry type and SRS in you view definition like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test.testbuff as
SELECT gid, area_id,
st_buffer(testshape.geom, 100)::geometry(Polygon,your_srs_code)
as geom2 FROM test.testshape where testshape.area_id=100;

could be Polygon or Multipolygon depending on the input, your_srs_code should be the same as testshape's

QGIS can analyze geometry columns and detect the type (and probably SRS), however only relations with geometry fields defined in this way are listed in geometry_columns.


Am 27.03.2017 um 23:42 schrieb Michael Treglia:
Hi All,

I'm running a PostGIS query to create a view, buffering a polygon -
viewing the result in DB Manager, the associated icon, rather than being
polygons, is a question mark, and in the info tab for the layer, I see
the warning ' There is no entry in geometry_columns!'

That said, the layer actually displays fine in QGIS, and in the list of
fields, the appropriate column is labeled as Type 'geometry'.

Thus, is this really a problem? And if so, any easy fixes? A sample
query is below:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW test.testbuff as
SELECT gid, area_id, st_buffer(testshape.geom, 100)
as geom2 FROM test.testshape where testshape.area_id=100;

Thanks for any suggestions!

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